Friday, May 27, 2011

Birth Of Venus

The Birth of Venus is a painting by Botticelli that depicts the goddess Venus emerging from the sea as a full grown women, and arriving at the sea shore,during the Italian Renaissance. I learned quite a few new techniques. Like how to make an action in photoshop, how to warp objects, and how to make a net-like appearance from a few brush strokes.

Word and Brushes

These photoshop pictures were created with brushes that i downloaded from and


This project is called Doodle4Google because we were to create a new logo for the Google image. I chose to make mine all about field hockey because it's my favorite sport. I think that it turned out well.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HDR photography

HDR means high dynamic range photos.

In order to make this photo look practically perfect without any over drastic differences, I took one photo that had a darker foreground and an off colored middle ground and edited them. In order to edit them i had to duplicate the image three times (one for a foreground, one for a middle ground, and a third for the back ground) and edited the ones that needed editing in camera raw. Then placed the images one on top of the other and masked out the bad parts of each photo that i didn't need. then received what you see above.

Painting With Light

In order to take these pictures a camera must have a "long shutter speed" setting. The longer the shutter stays open, the more light is captured. I took these pictures in my Grandparent's garage because the lighting was dim so the camera could capture the light coming from the flashlight.